It was bath time and I took off her diaper, set a potty down behind her and said, "It's time to go potty" I turned to leave the room and got about 30 seconds away and heard that call.... "Yay Lala, Poopoo Potty!" (in her words, anyway.. more like "Yay Lala, Poopoo pobby") She often cheers for herself when she DOESN'T make it to the potty, so I was SURE there was a new mess waiting for me.
Nope, I was wrong. She DID IT! Sure enough. A perfect poop was waiting and a dancing Lala was celebrating!!! I didn't know what to do first?!??! I clapped and hugged her and told her I was proud and Happy. Happy is a key word for London, she wants to make sure everyone is Happy. I also reminded her she was getting closer to her PeePee PooPoo Party!!!!!!!!! Big Win!
Ian and I had a short moment in the kitchen where we caught eyes with that "She's growing up.." sorrow and rejoice feeling. I cried a little. And, returned to cheering!
Many pictures were taken. The poop in the potty, London's potty touchdown dance, London pointing at the poop in the potty. It's funny to think about the things there didn't used to be pictures of. Considering the cost of film vs. the space digital pics take up in a computer file. Funny.
AND, today she peed in the potty!!!! My BIG GIRL
But, for now, using the potty is still mostly uncharted for London. We're not pushing her. But, she knows how it all works and how it's SUPPOSED to work. Potties are part of the house and she always celebrates everyone else's potty success. So, in time... she'll be a potty star!