Sunday, November 28, 2010

After Thanksgiving

We went... we came home! The end!

Nahhhhhhhhhh. There's a real story, and it's lovely. We spent Thanksgiving in New Market, Alabama with some of Ian's family. His sister, Hannah, and her husband, Ramon, were staying there as well. Their baby girl is due January 5th... VERY exciting!!! Thanksgiving was also a family baby shower for them. I'm very very glad we were able to be there with them. They received LOTS of amazing gifts. They will be excellent, loving parents.

Our drive down was a bit horrid. Better than most road trips with small child, though. We got caught in major traffic and sat nearly still in traffic for 2 hours. I think we moved like 3 miles in an hour. It was soooo bad. In fact, we chatted it up with some fellow stuck drivers at the first 'non-crowded' gas station following the traffic jam. It was like we all became friends since we were all stuck staring at each other for 2 hours. Normally it takes us 2 hours to get to the bottom of Kentucky (Bowling Green) But, we didn't get there until the 3 hour mark. That left 4 hours of driving to get to the house. Exquisite. London slept the first hour of traffic, but after that it was chaos!!!!!!
We made it, though. And, got to stay in the strawbale house! You can see a slideshow HERE. It's a very long slideshow, I suggest you click through until you get further to see the house as it is. MUCH has gone into the building of this house. It's amazing!

More holiday travel details to follow! On to some quiet time with Ian. We put up the Christmas tree today!!!!!!! I cleaned like a crazyperson, banished some excess toys, and baked banana bread. WHOO HOO

Thursday, August 5, 2010


So, this morning, I'm waking up slowly and Ian and London are talking in the living room just outside my bedroom. London has a very small 'magnadoodle' that Ian's mom bought for her. She LOVES it.
Anyhow, she has drawn something on it and says, "Look Daddy! I drew heart"
She was right! It was pretty close! So, they brought it to show me in bed. She then stood there and told me,
"I drew heart in living room (she says luu rom) Show Daddy, walking in here, show you heart."
Then she turns it over to slide the bar to erase it....
"Erase it all. And, now draw sumpin else!"
Then she drew an awesome near circle and colored it in PERFECTLY!!!!
She erased that and drew a peninsula-like shape and called it a hammer...
Then it was a diamond shape she called a piece of candy!!!
"I have lot drawins in my hand", she says...

In her hand?!?!?!? How sweet is THAT?!?!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Yay Lala Poo Poo Potty!!!!!

This is what I heard coming from the living room this past Saturday. Knowing London wasn't wearing a diaper, I was a little nervous. I had JUST walked away, really, JUST.

It was bath time and I took off her diaper, set a potty down behind her and said, "It's time to go potty" I turned to leave the room and got about 30 seconds away and heard that call.... "Yay Lala, Poopoo Potty!" (in her words, anyway.. more like "Yay Lala, Poopoo pobby") She often cheers for herself when she DOESN'T make it to the potty, so I was SURE there was a new mess waiting for me.

Nope, I was wrong. She DID IT! Sure enough. A perfect poop was waiting and a dancing Lala was celebrating!!! I didn't know what to do first?!??! I clapped and hugged her and told her I was proud and Happy. Happy is a key word for London, she wants to make sure everyone is Happy. I also reminded her she was getting closer to her PeePee PooPoo Party!!!!!!!!! Big Win!

Ian and I had a short moment in the kitchen where we caught eyes with that "She's growing up.." sorrow and rejoice feeling. I cried a little. And, returned to cheering!

Many pictures were taken. The poop in the potty, London's potty touchdown dance, London pointing at the poop in the potty. It's funny to think about the things there didn't used to be pictures of. Considering the cost of film vs. the space digital pics take up in a computer file. Funny.

AND, today she peed in the potty!!!! My BIG GIRL
But, for now, using the potty is still mostly uncharted for London. We're not pushing her. But, she knows how it all works and how it's SUPPOSED to work. Potties are part of the house and she always celebrates everyone else's potty success. So, in time... she'll be a potty star!